General terms of use

This page describes the conditions of use of this website. It sets out the respective rights and obligations of the users of the website and of its publisher and host, defined as INRAE's EABX unit.

The purpose of this site is to enable the scientific community studying diatoms to share photos of diatoms, distorted or not, as well as the environmental conditions associated with these observations. Its goals are :

  • To create a reference iconography, available to all, that can be used to help identify a diatom as deformed or not ;
  • To use the collected data to study diatom deformations statistically.

There are two categories of users, depending on whether or not they are registered. Non-registered users can only consult the site, without being able to add content. Their rights and duties, and the publisher's rights and duties towards them, are limited to the basic principles governing the Internet and intellectual property.

Users are deemed registered once they have filled in the registration form, at the end of which they must tick a box to accept these general terms of use.

All registered users are guaranteed the opportunity to contribute to the platform as long as they're logged in. The publisher undertakes to do its utmost to ensure the maintenance and security of the site. Nevertheless, service interruptions may occur in the event of updates, breakdowns or force majeure. Should a predictable interruption last more than 48 hours, registered users will be notified by email.

Registration and personal data

At registration time, users enter their last name, first name and email adress. They may also indicate the institution to which they belong. This personal data is only used for the following purposes, the legal basis for which is specified between brackets:

  • The surname, first name and institution to which they belong are displayed on each contribution. This identification is deemed necessary to guarantee the scientific quality of the platform (legitimate interest);
  • The email adress is used for logging purposes, which is also necessary for the scientific quality of the platform (legitimate interest);
  • The email address may also be used to contact users in the following cases (consent):
    • To notify them of a service interruption of more than 48 hours;
    • To send them, at their request, a link to renew their password if they have forgotten it;
    • To inform them of a breach or abuse in one of their contributions;
    • To offer them the opportunity to become a site moderator, if they meet the conditions set out in the Contribution rules section;
    • To inform them of any changes to these general terms of use.

The personal data collected is not used for any other purpose and is not shared with any third party. It is kept for the entire duration of the user's registration. Users may have their data corrected or deleted at any time by contacting the site administrator. The link to the contact form is always available at the bottom of the page.

Contribution rules

Users undertake to add only photos of diatoms for which they, or the institution they represent and to which they declare themselves to belong, hold the intellectual property, or for which they have obtained the express permission of the holder of the intellectual property to add such photos. The publisher and INRAE cannot be held responsible if a contributor adds data without having the right or authorisation to do so. In the event of a dispute, however, the publisher undertakes to remove the data concerned in good faith, at the request of the contributor or the true owner of the intellectual property.

The Teratotheca operates on a principle of trust. Users undertake only to add information that is accurate to the best of their knowledge. In the event of an error, they have the option of modifying or deleting their contributions.

By virtue of this principle of trust, the publisher and INRAE decline all responsibility in the event of the addition of inaccurate, inappropriate or illegal content. Nevertheless, in order to limit inconvenience to other users, the publisher undertakes to ensure that any such content is regularly modified or removed.

Intellectual property

Contributing data to the platform in no way alters the intellectual property of this data, which therefore remains the property of the contributor, their institution or the third party from whom they have obtained permission to add it. The photograph is added by the contributor under the CC-BY-NC licence, which authorises its sharing and use for non-commercial purposes, subject to attribution.

With the exception of the content of contributions, the publisher reserves all intellectual property rights over the current and future content of this site.